Thursday, June 28, 2007

Legals -1, Folks who just don't get it -0

The U.S. Senate finally put the ill-constructed Immigration Reform Bill out of it's misery today. Teddy Kennedy, "The Liberal Lyin'" just can't believe it. (John & Bobby rolling over in their graves one more time no doubt) I've a rule of thumb about keghead, if he likes it, somebody is about to get soaked. For some strange reason most folks are just a teeny bit dubious that the gummint' can, all the sudden, control the border. Go figure.
Once again, Mary Jo Kopechne, could not be reached for comment.


1 comment:

R.A. said...

If Teddy would only work that hard to bring in potential conservative voters, he could redeem himself.

Knowing Social Security is headed for an iceberg, we have at least delayed it's collapse by not adding 12-20 million people who would claim more of SS than they contribute.

Tip for the Senators: Don't talk about securing the border, DO IT, then we'll talk about how to deal with all the people they have allowed into our country without knowing who they are, where they are, or what their intentions are - work or terrorism.