Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day

It's a great day for the first post.

Kicked back today after a pretty hectic couple of days getting things done around the farm.

I got an e mail from my first born wishing me a good day and thanking me for my service in Vietnam.

It's heartening to see that, for the most part, our returning warriors are being treated with respect and honor. What's not heartening is that the media and politicians are giving away their sacrifices and giving away the very country they served to ILLEGAL interlopers.Our troops will not loose in Iraq, but like Vietnam, they may LEAVE Iraq at the behest of lesser men and women (using those terms very loosely).

I would call the lefties, most politicians and the msm prostitutes but I don't care to demean working people. The ignorant, ill informed and incredibly naive amongst us will only learn when they are picking up dead children on OUR sidewalks, playing home games instead of road games.

Memorial Day is for remembering loved ones departed, sacrifices, past and present, while trying to make sure we don't have to make any in the future that we can honorably avoid.

The best to you,


R.A. said...

It's been a good Memorial Day. Hope you enjoyed yours, and thanks again for your service.

As nice as "an all volunteer military" sounds, it may be time for a change. Wouldn't the collective viewpoint be changed to one that more clearly understands sacrifice, honor, and the cost of freedom if we were all obliged to chip in our fair share?

We hold cheap that which costs us nothing. This goes a long way to explaining the modern liberal (not classic liberalism) position.

Our blessings are too great to be doled out without a commensurate contribution to our nation.

snowwhite said...

Nice post - I liked it and hope to see more.
I think the msm can say almost anything they like, but truth be told, I've never met a single person who does not support our soldiers and their efforts in Iraq. It's too bad that the loudest and most ridiculous are the "news". Though it would never happen, maybe all those "expert panels" need to be given a hiatus and some regular joes (please screen out the yaks) given a chance to offer their thoughts....but then who would watch those non-sensational news items?