Thursday, July 23, 2009


The awful truth about liberalism is its central delusion, the notion that life can be neatly organized into rational bureaucratic programs. It turns everything it touches into soulless clanking monster.While professing to care more for us than we even care for ourselves, liberalism is the darkest black hole of compassion because it is created in the black pit of the heart of man without even a glimmer of the light of God. Liberalism's quest is to destroy the spirit instilled in man by his Creator.

Before princes, principalities and powers comes life and love, mothers and babies, children and families, struggle and sacrifice, a city on a hill.
The glorious truth about conservatism is its love of life.

Christopher Chantrill

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Herd mentality?

Ok, now I'm ready to herd all you bluedogs to pass my healthscare bill.

Why no I haven't actually read it, but one of my czars said it was cool.

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Thawing

Total hatip to neoneocon.

Obama “the iceman” melteth: but Politico’s Ben Smith hasn’t been paying attention
Ben Smith of Politico seems to think Obama’s getting rattled, and that this has caused a change in the persona he’s showing to the country and the world.
But everything the article describes as new behavior was already in evidence during the campaign—that is, to those paying attention to the details. Obama has always had a tendency to get nasty and emotional, or haughty and dismissive, when pressed—but during the campaign he was rarely ever pressed. As for the trash talk, didn’t Politico see Obama give Hillary the finger, or flick the dirt off his shoulder? Or how about getting acquainted with the ancient history of how Obama got his start against Alice Palmer? Not to mention the fact that Obama’s lack of reaching across the aisle for Republican input began nearly at the start of his presidency, not just now.
This in particular struck me as disingenuous on the part of Obama’s spokesman, as well:
White House Deputy Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer dismissed the suggestion that Obama should be expected to succeed effortlessly – or that he’s on a path toward failure on any of these varied fronts.
“Obama and his team have been down this road dozens of times and been declared dead many times and always succeeded,” he said. “No one gets rich betting against Barack Obama.”
Now that I think of it, perhaps it’s not disingenuous after all; perhaps it just shows ignorance (or denial) of the fact that Obama has never had to succeed at anything political before except for getting elected, and then ingratiating himself with the leader of the Illinois Senate who allowed him to take credit for the work of other people on legislative bills. After that, all Obama really had to do was give speeches and run a campaign.
Granted, he was very good indeed at that. But a campaign and a presidency are different. I am beginning to think that one of the problems with Obama and his advisers is that they actually believe an administration is merely the continuation of a campaign. After all, Obama has never had to face that hard truth before—each office of his has been useful only as a springboard for the next one. The idea that he is now in office for at least four years, with no higher office in sight, and that people may actually for the first time in his life expect him to produce some actual results in addition to lofty words, is very slow to dawn on Obama and the people around him.
They probably think if he bobs and weaves and spins enough, his chickens will never come home to roost. And perhaps they are correct; perhaps the press will stay in his pocket, partly to avoid admitting its own failure to evaluate and vet Obama properly. But there are signs—and the Politico article is one of them—that even the press cannot deny that this man is not what he appeared (to them) to be.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Gummint' Healthscare

"Taxes for this will just come from the rich", who will pass the added expense to consumers who will make due with less causing the 'rich' job creator to lay you off. But, hey, we ain't gonna' raise your taxes to pay for it. Get it?

Plus you get free healthcare...EVERY 3 YEARS!

I, American Zealot

I am writing this post in response to an email I received criticizing Republican Representatives. The mailer’s idea was that our elected leaders shouldn't voice their opposition to transferring suspected terrorists from Guantanamo Bay to prisons in the United States and possibly Kansas.
The suggestion that not blindly following President Obama and Nancy Pelosi makes these Congresspersons “rabid zealots who would bring the USA to ruin" shows how juvenile and immature this person’s argument is.
A recent USA Today/Gallup Poll showed that 65 percent of respondents opposed closing Guantanamo Bay and 74 percent opposed transferring prisoners to the United States. Many of those respondents voted for Obama last November. Are the 74 percent who oppose the Obama/Pelosi agenda and want to keep America safe "rabid zealots," or is it just certain Republican Congresspersons?
Let's keep in mind that Obama keeps going around the world apologizing for America, which isn't going to do anything but embolden America's enemies. I am glad that some Congressional Representatives are standing up for America by standing against the out-of-control policies of President Obama and Nancy Pelosi.

The war.

We're still at war against the islamofascists, right?
Anybody else noticing the thundering silence from the anti-war nutters. Hmm, think that was agenda driven? I'm just sayin'.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Baldwin slams Cafferty

Alec Baldwin, 30 Rock star, HuffPost blogger and rumored Senate candidate, took a swipe at Jack Cafferty over comments he made yesterday on CNN. In talking about actors running for office, Cafferty described Baldwin's credentials as "questionable," but noted that Al Franken is Harvard-educated. That prompted Baldwin to ask: "So Franken fits the mold for Cafferty because he went to Harvard?
I would like to make a deal with Cafferty. Jack, you don't tell people that a career in the performing arts disqualifies them from seeking elected office, and I won't say publicly that your being convicted of leaving the scene of an accident in which you
struck a cyclist and then ran two red lights while you were pursued by the police and were subsequently ordered to serve 70 hours of community service back in May of 2003 disqualifies you from posing as a "Man of the People" on a major cable news network.

Thursday, July 09, 2009